Customer Testimonies

"Thank you Perkins Inc. for what your company offers
a superb, hi-quality service that saves DFW homeowners money, energy and reduces our impact on the environment as well! Perkins Inc. used hi-tech equipment to rate my home for energy loss and air infiltration problems. They repaired every issue they could find until my house had an acceptable rating." More >>

Will Raymond
Carrollton Tx.
The service provided by Perkins Inc. far exceeded my expectations. They were professional, informative and highly skilled. They gave me excellent advice and rescued me from making an uninformed decision. I'm so thankful I called them rather than an insulation company who would have come in to simply spray insulation. I saved so much more money than I would have if I had not contacted Perkins. I will call them again when I need more services. Thanks guys! More >>

Connie Freeman
Dallas Tx.
Perkins Inc. has made drastic improvements to my household, saving me money and making my home much more eco-friendly. The attic insulation job they preformed on my home combined with the home weatherization and duct sealing made my home much warmer in the winter and much cooler in the summer. Their services are top notch and any home owner/renter should take advantage of what Perkins Inc. can do for your home! More >>

Chris Graves
Carrollton Tx.

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dallas vinyl window replacement

Dallas Vinyl Window Replacement Contractor

Vinyl Windows Sales and Install

Perkins Inc. now offers Burris Tectview AC vinyl replacement windows throughout the Dallas metroplex.

Burris windows manufactures custom quality windows and doors for Texas and surrounding states. With a product offering including several types of window styles including single-hung, double hung, slider, casement, picture, and geometric windows you can be confident that you have selected superior windows that will perform throughout the life of the product.

Made to fit precisely, Burris strong, secure windows offer optimum energy efficiency and easy cleaning features with tilt-in sashes.

Burris Windows are manufactured with traditional craftsmanship and quality that stands alone in the Southwestern new construction and replacement vinyl window market. Burris has also been in the DFW area for over 30 years and is a name you can trust.

When you choose Burris Windows from Perkins Inc. you can be assured of a lasting partnership from the beginning of the manufacturing process through the installation of your new vinyl windows.

Burris TectView AC Vinyl Series Information

AC Features & Benefits
  • 3/4" Insulated Glass Unit
  • LoE Glass / Argon
  • Duralite Spacers
  • Sloped Sill
  • Equal Glass in Operating Sash
  • Reinforced Meeting Rails
  • Adjustable Constant Force Balance
  • Covered Weep Slots
  • Fusion Welded Frames
  • Interlocking Center Rail
  • Night Vents on Single Hungs
  • Four mulling options
AC Styles / Options
  • Single Hung
  • Sliders
  • Picture / Fix
  • Geometrics

  • Geometrics, operating and fix windows are made to exact sizes down to 1/8".

  • Four mulling options as well as custom matched accessory options are available.
Frame Color Options
LoE Glass Options
.......attic insulation

........2 Coats Of LoE

attic insulation

3 Coats Of LoE


Limited Lifetime Warranty

Vinyl Frames and Sashes

All vinyl components have a lifetime warranty not to chip, crack, peel, or blister. Fading is warranted to be within generally accepted industry standards.

Insulated Glass

Insulated glass units have a lifetime warranty against material obstruction from the degradation of the LoE coating or moisture. Minor imperfections such as scratches or blemishes in the LoE coating are warranted to be within generally accepted industry standards.


Screens are warranted not to rust or rot for five years. This warranty does not cover torn or damaged screens.

Parts and Components

All other components of the window are covered for a lifetime to be free of manufacturing defects.

Sign Up or contact Perkins Inc. now for a free quote to replace the windows in your home today.

2011 Energy Tax Credit Details:
The new energy efficient tax credit is a 10% credit on product cost, up to a maximum of $500.

Covered Items Include:

  • Insulation: up to the $500 cap.
  • Energy Star window tax credit: up to $200 maximum.
  • Water heater tax credit: up to $300 maximum.
  • Air conditioner tax credit: up to $300 maximum.
  • Furnace tax credit: $150 maximum. Efficiency must be 95%.
  • Expires: December 31, 2011

More Info. >>

You must have a copy of the MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFICATION STATEMENT. A taxpayer is not required to attach this certification statement to the return on which the credit is claimed. Income tax regulations require taxpayers maintain records sufficient to establish the entitlement to any credit claimed.