HeatBloc Ultra Spray On Radiant Barrier
Dallas Spray-on Radiant Barrier Contractor
Spray on radiant barrier consist of materials that are installed in homes and buildings to reduce summer heat gain and winter heat loss, as well as reduce residential or commercial heating and cooling energy usage. The potential benefit of attic radiant barriers is primarily in reducing air-conditioning cooling loads in warm or hot climates.
When the sun heats a roof it's primarily the suns radiant energy that makes the roof hot. A large portion of this heat travels by conduction through the roofing materials to the attic side of the roof. The hot roof material then radiates its gained heat energy into the cooler attic (some of the roofs heat will radiate in other directions too). A radiant barrier reduces the radiant heat transfer from the roof to the attic space.
Perkins Inc. uses only the best spray on radiant barrier product that is safe for you, your family, home, and environment. You can feel comfortable knowing that the spray on radiant barrier product Perkins Inc. uses and the technicians that install our work are the best in the market.
HeatBloc Ultra Radiant BarrierHeatBloc Ultra interior coating is intended to reduce radiant heat transfer to and from the coated surface. HeatBloc Ultra radiant barrier works by changing the emissivity of the surface where it is applied. Building products such as wood, brick, and plasterboard have high emissivities (0.7-0.95). When heated, they radiate most of their heat to cooler surfaces by allowing the heat to penetrate the roof into the attic and from the attic into the house. HeatBloc Ultra lowers their surface emissivity to 0.25 or lower, lessening their ability to radiate heat and therefore letting less heat penetrate the roof into the attic. |
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HeatBloc Ultra does not lose its effectiveness over time like some radiant barriers. Foils can tear and require the staples to penetrate the barrier. Foil chips can accumulate dust, which diminishes their effectiveness. Spray on radiant barrier is cheaper to install and much less labor intense than foil radiant barrier. This means you will also see a much faster return in investment with our spray on radiant barrier over the foil radiant barrier. Applying spray on radiant barrier will help lower the temperature in your attic and reduce the heat that circulates around your heating and cooling unit and or duct system. This will help your heating and cooling unit work as efficient as possible. Spray on radiant barrier will also help reduce the heat that enters your home threw the attic envelope. |
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Sign Up or contact Perkins Inc. today for a free quote on adding spray on radiant barrier to your attic and start increasing the comfort level and reducing the electric bill in your home today!